12.2. Local bound services

In this scenario, the service cannot communicate with the outside. It is called “local bound” because it is used from the same application that creates it. It also runs on the same thread that creates it, in this case the main thread. If we want the service to perform tasks concurrently, we must use one of the mechanisms detailed in Section 10.

First, we declare the class MyService that inherits from Service. This class contains an inner class MP3ServiceBinder that provides the methods that can be used by the service client. In this case, the client will be our activity.

class MyService : Service() {

   inner class MP3ServiceBinder : Binder() {
       protected lateinit var mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer

       public fun startAudio() {
           mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this@MyService, R.raw.sound1)

   private val serviceBinder: MP3ServiceBinder = MP3ServiceBinder()

   override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder {
       return serviceBinder

We declare it in the manifest.xml file:

   android:exported="true" />

Now we can use it from our activity. We declare a property in the activity of the type of the internal class that inherits from the binder of our service:

private lateinit var bindService: MyService.MP3ServiceBinder

We declare in the activity a static object of type ServiceConnection that will allow us to create the instance of the class MyService.MP3ServiceBinder declared above:

val sc = object: ServiceConnection {

   override fun onServiceConnected(className: ComponentName, service: IBinder) {
       bindService = service as MyService.MP3ServiceBinder

   override fun onServiceDisconnected(arg0: ComponentName) {


Now we can run the bindService method that will use the static ServiceConnection object to instantiate the bindService property.

val intent = Intent(this@MainActivity, MyService::class.java)
bindService(intent,sc, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)

Once linked, we can starting using our methods:


Like in foreground services, closing the application also shuts down the service.